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Showing posts from January, 2013

Unlock Your Inner Power

An Artillery Regiment of a State Militia applied to the Governor for wooden guns to practise with. "Those," they explained, "will be cheaper than real ones." It shall not be said that I sacrificed efficiency to economy," said the Governor.  "You shall have real guns. Thank you, thank you," cried the warriors, effusively. We will take good care of them, and in the event of war return them to the Arsenal. Beloved, the thrust of our message today is that our inner weapons are not been used. In Ephesians Chapter 6, Paul addresses employers and employees and then instructs about the spiritual weapons God has given and how to use them. Unlock your inner power by recognizing your true nature as a Gods child. You are Not Just walking alone; the Mighty One is with you. Stop Resisting Your Own Abundance; Allow His power to work in you and You Will Manifest Anything You Can Imagine.

Walk and not faint

Hardships are like labor pains. They can come at you all of a sudden, without notice and without warning. We suffer hardships at all times in varying degrees. Children of God suffer hardships during obedient and disobedient times of our lives. There are hardships in raising a child with autism. Hardships do not discriminate. They can affect anyone at any time of any ethnic background and any age. Hardships hurt, build character, annoy you, but bring Godly wisdom. Hardships send you on an emotional roller coaster and cause pain, but through Christ you have hope. Hope develops perseverance. With God hardships are bearable. Without God hardships cannot be tolerated without great negative consequences. Hardships will come into our lives but nothing can separate us from the love of God. Acts 14:22; Where they strengthened the believers. They encouraged them to continue in the faith, reminding them that we must suffer many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God. Father, thank You f

Your Life is Like a Camera

Your life is like a camera; you have got to focus it right, to get the right results and right picture of your life. Having the right focus brings four results: (1)  It simplifies things. When you’re not clear as to your purpose, you try to do too much-and that causes stress, inner conflict and confusion. You have only enough time and energy to do God’s will. Not getting everything done may be an indicator that you’re doing far more than God ever intended. Focus leads to a simpler lifestyle and saner schedule. Only when you keep your focus can you keep your peace: “You, Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm.” (2)  It gives you direction. If you want your life to have impact, consult God, and then do what He tells you. Don’t confuse activity with productivity. Diffused light has limited impact, but when light is focused like a laser it can cut through steel. (3)  It energizes you. It’s meaningless work, not overwork, which wears you down. George B