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Showing posts from June, 2018

Take Seven Times Daily

Seven times a day I praise you. Psalm 119:164 One day when missionary physician Harold Adolph was walking through his house, he saw a verse on the wall of his daughter’s room. It was Proverbs 17:22: “A cheerful heart is good medicine” (NIV). Adolph thought, “If only I could harness the secret of that cheerfulness and share it with my patients, a great deal of physical and spiritual suffering could be avoided.” Another verse came to mind—Psalm 119:164: “Seven times a day I praise You.” That verse, he thought, was like a prescription off a medicine bottle. Most patients resist taking a medicine seven times a day, which is why pharmaceutical companies develop pills to be taken only once or twice daily. But Dr. Adolph suggests we try the remedy exactly as God prescribed it. You might set your phone alarm to remind yourself to praise God seven times throughout this day. The goal isn’t legalism, but to learn to praise God continuously and to keep our hearts cheerful all day