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Showing posts from April, 2014

God of Breakthrough

God wants to give you a breakthrough — a sudden burst of His favor; an explosion of His goodness. He wants to release His power in such a way that it overwhelms you and drives out your enemies! Maybe you’ve been praying about a relationship for years; and suddenly, things get into place. That’s a breakthrough. Or, you were trying to get a certain job. They said there were no openings; but suddenly, they call you back and you get the job. That’s another breakthrough. Perhaps you’ve struggled with an addiction for a long time; but then something happens, and it’s not a struggle anymore. Those are all breakthroughs. No matter what you’ve been facing, no matter how impossible things look, know this: the God of the breakthrough wants to visit your house. Get ready! Look for His favor and goodness. Remember, God rewards the people who seek after Him. So keep expecting, keep believing because the God of the breakthrough is ready to overwhelm you with His goodness today! “...the Lo

Learning from Slaves

I was reading some modern slave stories when I came across the story of a boy named Rakesh who lived in a village in India. He was sold into slavery by his own parents to pay off a debt, Rakesh and many other children worked in a place where yarn was woven into rugs that were exported to wealthier countries like the United States. The kids were forced to weave rugs all day, squatting down with their backs against the wall. The slave masters wanted children because they have little fingers that can weave the intricate patterns that bring a lot of money in rugs stores. If Rakesh didn't show up to work on time, he was beaten with the iron claw used to separate threads. The claw was a heavy metal device with teeth (like a comb's) on one end and a curved handle on the other end. Rakesh worked in this situation for a long time until an organization called Free the Slaves [ ] joined with local rescuers to free Rakesh and the other children. The rescuers

God’s Mercy Will Never Dry Up

Sometime back I heard of this interesting example. A small fish lived in a stream in which water was exceedingly decreasing. The fish felt worried that as the water was steadily going down if the stream would dry up altogether all of a sudden. So it complained to  God  out of anxiety.  God  asked the fish whether it had enough water to swim. The fish answered that it had;  God  asked whether there was enough water for the fish to drink. It said there was; Again  God  asked whether it had enough water to breather and the fish answered that it had. Then  God  asked the fish, why it was so anxious when it had everything it needed? Many of us are worried in this way. If you set your faith on  God , you can live in joy. His mercy will never dry up. It will be poured on us continuously. If you have lost faith in prayer, resume praying. For  God’s  mercy endures forever!! "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the  LORD , "plans to prosper you and not to harm yo

The Beauty of Dreams

A little boy named Johnny used to hang out at the local corner market. The other boys teased him constantly, saying that Johnny was two bricks shy of a load or two pickles short of a barrel. Puzzled about their behavior, the store owner eavesdropped on their conversation one day. Johnny stood silently as the boys offered him a choice between a nickel or a dime. Johnny took the nickel. The boys immediately laughed, saying he was too dumb to know that the bigger coin was worthless. The store owner took him aside and said, “Johnny, those boys are making fun of you. They think you don’t know a dime is worth more than a nickel. Are you really grabbing the nickel because it’s bigger?” Johnny turned to the store owner and with a big grin on his face, he said, “Well, if I took the dime, they’d stop playing the game. And so far, I’ve saved twenty dollars!” The other boys in the neighborhood may not have had any faith in Johnny, but Johnny certainly had faith in his own abilities! The