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Heart of Man Reflects Man

In a book about the village of Akenfield in England, the author tells of old farmers who could look at a field where ten people had plowed and tells you the name of the man who had done each furrow. There are those who frequent the Indian markets in South America who can tell by looking at a piece of rope who made it. The difference in furrows was not a factor in whether a field produced more or fewer beans per acre. The difference in rope was not a factor in the usefulness of the rope. But in each case, the work was a reflection of the character of the worker. It was the statement about diligence with which the person approached his work and the amount of pride he took in producing quality. It was in the same spirit of endowing work with character that the great artisans of the Middle Ages often carved the backs of their art, knowing that God alone would see it – but caring greatly that He did!

No person may see your work today but God will. Give your best to your work as if God were sitting in your workplace. Every man’s work is a portrait of himself. As in water reflects face, so the heart of man reflects man. Proverbs 27:19 NASB.


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